The Essentials You Need To Know When Purchasing and Caring For Your Diamond.
Diamond Cut


Polish, along with Symmetry, determines the overall craftsmanship of the diamond, indicating the care and attention to detail by the cutter. Polish is defined as quality and smoothness of the diamond's surface. The polish is evaluated by a skilled grader under 10X magnification. There are a number of factors that can detract from the diamond's overall polish:

Once the diamond has been carefully reviewed face-up and from the side, a grade is assigned. GIA assigns one of five grades (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor) based on the graders overall impressions, while AGSL uses a ten point scale with 0 being the best and 10 the worst.

Although polishing factors do not have as much impact as the proportions on the brilliance, fire and scintillation of the diamond, it is important to have the best polish possible to maximize the diamonds full potential.

Polish Characteristics
Abrasion: very small scratches or pits along the facet edge. Abrasion Lizard Skin: transparent and uneven texture on a facet. Lizard Skin
Pit: tiny blemish which appears as a white dot. Pit Rough Girdle: irregular pitted or granular surface on the girdle. RoughGirdle
Burn Mark: a hazy surface on diamond caused by excessive heat during polishing. Burn Mark Nick: a very small notch along the girdles edge. Nicked Girdle
Polishing Lines: lines left by the cutting wheel during the polishing process. Polishing Lines Scratch: a surface mark on the diamond which appears as a line. Scratch